Voddie on Manhood
With a clear voice and a booming impact, this faithful Bible teacher and clear thinker makes room for himself in these debates and then settles them:
If Satan took up marriage counseling
Lest we forget that Satan has a plan for your life and marriage, here’s a helpful and somewhat alarming parody:
Good and Gracious King
My heart has been singing this since Sunday — may it minister to and motivate you as it does me:
Name Calling
We justify it when we think they deserve it, but here are three good warnings to consider when we talk to or about someone, with follow up links for a deeper dive:
Church Search Finder
All of us know people who are looking for solid Bible-teaching churches in their communities. This helpful resource is for those people who have a famine in their land. While, of course, this link cannot vouch for everything in the church’s life, leadership, and liturgy, these pastors have been trained at the highest level and should be capable of feeding the flock — this is my first go-to when I get this question:
The Master’s Seminary Church Finder
Quote worth sharing
Elizabeth Elliot [Gren] is more than qualified to speak about the thorn in the flesh from 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 — enjoy!