This Song
Sovereign Over Us is a tribute to God’s perfect plans and ways that gives us comfort, hope, restraint, and excitement about what God is doing in our lives, even in the hard things. Just put it on loop and enjoy
“I am ready, Lord. I surrender. I am yours.” Here is more on the Hebrew word that has changed my life forever:
What was God doing before Creation?
Great answer here by Michael Reeves posted by Ligonier Ministries
God moves in a mysterious way
Written by a man who wrestled to find his joy in God, William Cowper has left us some of the best poetry and hymns, including this one about the mystery of God. Tim Challies has a helpful summary of his life and the story behind the truths we sing:
Meditation — what I am doing this season spiritually
Pastor and friend, Harry Walls has a very simple and basic guide for fulfilling Colossians 3:16, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly…” I use a 3 X 5 card, front for Scripture and meditation, and application on the back. Here is his recommended flow, which I recommend as well:
Step 1. Preparation-at night in bed. Proverbs 6:20-22…last conscious thought will pass to subconscious…read 5 min of Gods word before bed. His word is the last word. Find a verse
Step 2. Memorize- store it in your heart. Learn it. Psalm 37:41, 40:8, Job 22:22, Psalm 119:11, Proverbs 2:1, 7:1, treasure is to store up, Colossians 3:16, dwell means take up residence…like cash in the wallet, words of God in my head and heart.
Step 3. Evaluation- study it. Circle key words that you need to define. Bible hub .com. Look at definitions of key words.
Step 4. Implication- if this means this then this is true.
Step 5. Personalization- put your name in the verse and pray it back to God. Take verse and pray it over the meal.
Step 6. Visualization and or imagination- we remember better. Imagine living out this verse. Draw picture on card. Do that during coffee break.
Step 7. Proclamation- share it with others. Less about them listening and more about me talking.
Step 8. Application- how am I going to apply it, live it out. Do all that is written. What’s going to change or be different because of what I just learned. Change and do.
Step 9. Starvation- turning off competing influences. Turn off distractions. Take time with it.
There’s rarely competition for early; you want alone time, wake up early…noise canceling headphones…get out of your room, take a walk
Accountability and momentum are key!